
How we can help you Believe more
Growing in Faith Together (GIFT)
Pre-baptism Preparation
First Reconciliation Preparation
First Communion Preparation
Confirmation Preparation
Pre-Marriage Preparation
Junior Catechism – Children’s Faith Formation
Young Disciples of Jesus(YDJ) – Teens Faith formation
Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study
Repository & Resource centre
Faith formation doesn’t end after Confirmation because we cannot progress in life on a child’s understanding of our faith.
Just as with every aspect of our development, we have to continue growing in faith and knowledge; we must be equipped to live our discipleship in a fast-paced and sometimes hostile secular culture.
This is achieved by participating in various Adult Faith Formation opportunities offered in the Parish throughout the year.
We invite all our Parishioners to take full advantage of various programmes on offer, from Bible Studies, to Parents Formation Evenings, to Open Forums (Question and Answer Sessions) and the exploration of various forms of prayer.
This Ministry is all about faith formation and community building amongst the young and to that end, it encompasses all aspects of religious education, praise and worship sessions, involvement in Sunday Liturgies and social engagement within and without the various groups.
Under the direction and leadership of our Parish Priest, teams of teachers attend to the spiritual development of the children and lead them to a fuller relationship with Jesus, one another and their faith community.
With regard to Sacramental preparation, we are trying a new approach with the use of GIFT – Growing in Faith Together. This means our children seeking admission to the sacraments (not of any specific age but rather whose parents have applied for them to be included) grow and learn together with their parents for an intensive eight week period and then, having celebrated the sacrament, return to their usual catechism class.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation takes place in a separate forum. It is available for those young people who have faithfully attended Young Disciples of Jesus(YDJ) and who are in Grade 11 or 12.
Groups you can join
Liturgy & Worship
Ministers of the word
Sacristans and liturgical linens
Altar servers
Overhead projector operator
The Alpha programme is a very well established Ministry in our Parish. Our experience is that it is a highly effective tool for evangelisation and community building. We run Alpha courses of every description several times a year, including sessions adapted to Youth and Confirmation Candidates, Young Adults and those members of the community wanting a more comprehensive experience of the programme.
The shorter Café and Breakfast Alpha formats are conducive to Parents on the go and includes a short one day Retreat in the Parish!
The nine week programme includes a meal at each session, extensive group discussion and a Holy Spirit Retreat weekend. Our experience is that all formats are beneficial and we urge you to take advantage of our offerings in this regard.

We place a high value on holy, dignified, inspiring, crisp liturgy and to that end we strive to have, particularly our Sunday Liturgies, supported by appropriate music, well trained Ministers of the Word and plentiful Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
We have four choirs which open opportunities for gifted singers and musicians to offer their services back to God and their Faith Family in the Music Ministry.
Very important to the Liturgy are our Sacristans who set up for each Mass and clear away thereafter. Should you wish to offer your services for this Ministry, please contact the Parish Office who will direct you to the appropriate Leadership.
Beautifying the Sanctuary is a very special talent, generously shared by several women who spend hours creating large and small arrangements. They are always looking for new team members.
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