
The ongoing development of this Ministry is very encouraging. In addition to the annual Marriage Enrichment and the eight week Pre-marriage Course which is run three times per annum, we have a mentorship programme which sees well established married couples supporting the younger folk as they embark on the challenging journey to a sound, Jesus centred marriage.
If you need assistance or encouragement in your marriage, please contact the Office staff who will assist you to make contact with the relevant Leadership.
In very challenging times, Parents are well supported by our Priests, but our aim is to establish a strong Parental Accompaniment Ministry that will offer broader support in the area of rearing children within the Catholic Christian context.
Watch this space for exciting developments in this area. As a Parish we are steadfastly moving from Maintenance to Mission and Outreach and this Ministry is encompassed in our strategic development plan.
You are important to us so we shall not be dragging our heals on this one!
Contact us if you can help or would like to be notified when this starts.
LIFT - Ladies in Faith Together
Under the banner of its motto “Caring and Sharing”, the newly established LIFT group has grown stronger and become a respected support group in our Parish.
The women meet on the second Wednesday of each Month to pray, engage, inspire and help one another.
Their aim is to create a welcoming, trusting environment that facilitates sharing at a deep, meaningful level.
In our Parish, we have over twenty Small Christian Communities which we call Vine Groups. These small communities meet regularly to share their faith, pray and read the scriptures! Such groups are essential for growing our faith and deepening our connections with fellow parishioners.
Groups vary in character and range from those adapted to parents with young children, those for the elderly, but young at heart, young adults, youth and so on. Once you are settled into the community, you can start your own Vine Group.
We provide materials and training for this purpose. It is our hope and prayer that you will find in these small communities of fellow disciples, the grace to grow in your love for Jesus and your brothers and sisters in Him.
The men of the Parish meet monthly under the guidance of their Chaplain and from time to time, enjoy a Saturday morning breakfast and Spiritual direction from guest speakers.
The main aim is to encourage deeper commitment to and involvement in family life and the Parish generally.
We anticipate exponential growth in this ministry! Strong spiritual, moral and ethical leadership in families is the key to stability within the unit. You are most welcome to join this Ministry.
This is another Ministry “under construction” which we intend to expand and develop.
People of every sexual orientation are most welcome in our Parish and we look forward to supporting you in your spiritual journey towards a deeper relationship with Jesus.
If you would like to be part of this support group please call the office to have a meeting with Father Brett.
PINK PANTHERS Ladies in Faith Together
The Pink Panthers, our Lady’s Running Group , is a derivative of LIFT and HeBrews Baristas, particularly those who serve at the 5.00pm Mass.
They have delighted the Parish with their presence at the Saturday Park Run, Durban Beach Front, and made us proud of their success in running 21km races.
Their latest achievement was their participation in the Two Oceans Marathon. Their ethos is centred around creating missionary disciples through physical and spiritual fitness.
They also have a Vine Group which is extremely active and it and the running group is open to the inclusion of ladies who would like to join and grow their discipleship whilst having fun.