
Sharing the Good news



“Wishing you a Christmas filled with the wonder of the birth of Christ,”

As we gather to celebrate Christmas, we reflect on the year that has passed with so many activities and events that have touched our lives in different ways.

Christmas is about the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ, the Lord.” (Luke 2:11). It is a time of peace and joy, a time to celebrate with family, with friends and loved ones. I pray that your Christmas will have that peace, joy and celebration.

Such joyful celebrations may not be possible for some. You may have lost a loved one since last Christmas, or you may be overburdened by financial worries, family problems or for many other reasons. If you are, I want to assure you of my prayerful care and support.

As we anticipate the beginning of a new year, I would like to pose a challenge to all of us to become more involved in the life of our parish.  Let us give of ourselves in becoming a true evangelizing community spreading the love of God by what we say and what we do. After all, that is what God was doing when He got involved with us and our world at the first Christmas. He became one of us to spread the love of the Father to all.

Finally, “THANK YOU!!! I give thanks for the many parishioners who have given generously of their time, talents and treasure in making our parish such an energetic, vibrant and faith-filled community

May you be blessed with peace and joy at Christmas and in the New Year. 

Fr. Michael.

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