Stewardship 2024/2025


Stewardship begins with gratitude to God for everything we have received from Him. We express our thanksgiving by giving back to God a portion of His gifts through our commitment to mission and ministry. Let’s make a statement about our lives together at the Parish of St. Joseph.

Take some time to prayerfully reflect how God wants you to move and contribute to continue to build His Kingdom here on Earth. Thank you for your commitment to our Lord and to our Church.

Pray our Stewardship Prayer 2024/2025
Generous and Loving God, we thank you for the many gifts you have bestowed upon us. You call us to be disciples of your Son Jesus and good stewards of your many gifts. Open our mind and hearts to a greater awareness and deeper appreciation of your many blessings. Transform us through the power of your Spirit to nurture a Stewardship way of life marked by a faith-filled prayer, service to our neighbour and generous sharing. Teach us to be faithful servants of your gifts. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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